Digital UX/UI

Digital UX/UI

User Experience

Many projects have digital interfaces or accompanying applications. IDC has the ability to design both the physical and digital components of projects in-house. This has its advantages as we have a deep technical understanding of how the device works allowing us to develop an intuitive interface for a coherent user experience.

We understand how the product is used in its scenario allowing us to map out the most effective user journey through the digital interface.

Digital UX/UI

User Research

We conduct user research in real life scenarios to fully understand the key pain points in the user journey. This allows us to develop a product experience that is efficient and effective specific for the user task, which in some cases can be important and high pressure.

We understand how the product is designed to work. This allows us to develop a harmonious experience through the digital and physical elements of the product.

Digital UX/UI

Sitemap & Wireframing

We develop screens in their bare-bones form to experiment how information and calls to action could best be laid out. This process efficiently build ups and understand what screens are needed and where they go in the user journey. Through thorough testing of these wireframes, we can quickly identify pain points within the app and create a more efficient user flow.

This iterative process results in a streamlined digital solution with easily digestible information with an intuitive interface.

Digital UX/UI
Digital UX/UI

User Interface

Our team of designers at IDC design visually stunning interfaces which keep in line with your visual brand identity. We take the wireframes and design the pixel perfect visual user interface with all the graphics and iconography for a complete software solution ready for development.

We sync the visual design of both the physical and digital aspects of the design process for a coherent product solution.


We want users to have effortless experiences, and at IDC we've found the greatest opportunity to achieve this is when the team that have a deep understanding of the context of how the physical product is used and how it works is also central to defining the digital experience. Achieving fluidity between the two. We have the UX/UI expertise combined with the electronic and mechanical know-how to create interfaces for our clients that meet all their needs with regard to brand, visual appeal and usability

Nick Chubb |  Design Director, IDC
Digital UX/UI

Our full digital user experience and interface process:

  • User research
  • User flow analysis
  • Site mapping
  • Wireframing
  • User experience
  • Interface design
  • Branding
  • Brand guideline creation
  • Digital prototyping
  • User testing
  • Software development

Case Studies

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